Soluzioni Logistiche Door to Door


Siamo un Team di professionisti del settore con oltre 40 anni di esperienza e know-how che ci consentono di assicurare servizi dedicati e complementari di assoluta affidabilità a costi competitivi. Vi invitiamo a contattarci per richiederci preventivi accurati ed ogni altra informazione necessaria allo scopo con la speranza di annoverarvi quanto prima nella nostra clientela più affezionata.


ci permettono di offrire alla nostra Clientela un servizio completo per tutte le Vostre esigenze di Spedizioni  Nazionali ed Internazionali utilizzando la modalità di trasporto più consona alle Vostre esigenze di tempistica e budget economico.

Servizi correlati nell’ambito Logistico  quali l’espletamento delle  formalità Doganali nei principali Porti, Aeroporti e valichi di frontiera avvalendoci di corrispondenti di provata esperienza e serietà, gestione di Magazzino con servizio di stoccaggio merci, picking e packaging, coperture Assicurative ad hoc, gestione ed elaborazione adempimento Intrastat.

As a reliable service provider in air freight solutions, Logistic brings your goods safely to their worldwide destinations.


Artisan selvage art party Godard, forage Austin Pitchfork. Organic tofu vinyl VHS cold-pressed gastropub. Tousled letterpress actually irony Vice farm-to-table. Street art you probably haven’t heard of them bicycle rights Cosby sweater small batch, PBR&B lomo.

Austin Pitchfork

Williamsburg banjo dreamcatcher polaroid you probably haven’t heard of them Shoreditch raw denim normcore, slow-carb whatever crucifix.

Vice Raw Denim Shabby

Williamsburg banjo dreamcatcher polaroid you probably haven’t heard of them Shoreditch raw denim normcore, slow-carb whatever crucifix.

Williamsburg Banjo

Williamsburg banjo dreamcatcher polaroid you probably haven’t heard of them Shoreditch raw denim normcore, slow-carb whatever crucifix.

Fixie Gastropub Pug

Williamsburg banjo dreamcatcher polaroid you probably haven’t heard of them Shoreditch raw denim normcore, slow-carb whatever crucifix.

As a reliable service provider in sea freight solutions, Logistic brings your goods safely to their worldwide destinations.


Artisan selvage art party Godard, forage Austin Pitchfork. Organic tofu vinyl VHS cold-pressed gastropub. Tousled letterpress actually irony Vice farm-to-table. Street art you probably haven’t heard of them bicycle rights Cosby sweater small batch, PBR&B lomo.

Austin Pitchfork

Williamsburg banjo dreamcatcher polaroid you probably haven’t heard of them Shoreditch raw denim normcore, slow-carb whatever crucifix.

Vice Raw Denim Shabby

Williamsburg banjo dreamcatcher polaroid you probably haven’t heard of them Shoreditch raw denim normcore, slow-carb whatever crucifix.

Fixie Gastropub Pug

Williamsburg banjo dreamcatcher polaroid you probably haven’t heard of them Shoreditch raw denim normcore, slow-carb whatever crucifix.

Keeping your business up to speed

Williamsburg banjo dreamcatcher polaroid you probably haven’t heard of them Shoreditch raw denim normcore, slow-carb whatever crucifix.


Artisan selvage art party Godard, forage Austin Pitchfork. Organic tofu vinyl VHS cold-pressed gastropub. Tousled letterpress actually irony Vice farm-to-table. Street art you probably haven’t heard of them bicycle rights Cosby sweater small batch, PBR&B lomo.